Hey there.

I'm Sarah—a writer and coach by training, a product marketer by trade, a storyteller by heart.

This is my online space to share thoughts, learnings, and ideas as I work to write a better story for my own life. And maybe - just maybe - you'll be inspired, too. 

I'm thrilled you're here. 

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Because I believe sharing ideas and stories brings us closer together. 

Currently bringing products to market by day.
Always searching for ways to bring ideas and stories to life. 

Check out my latest posts where I share more about ideas I'm pondering, things I'm learning, or something that's on my mind. 


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"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage"


I'm so happy you're here. 

I’m Sarah, a writer and coach, current marketer, once-upon-a-time entrepreneur, and 2x boy mom who believes, unwaveringly, in the power of storytelling. And that belief all started with a cup of afternoon tea.

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